Legal info and GDPR

Jean Philippe GUIEAU

This site is the property of CAMPING BEL. The information provided on this site is presented for information and general purposes. The products and services presented on this site are intended to be used according to the contractual conditions and the tariffs in force. CAMPING BEL reserves the right to modify at any time, without notice, the content of the site.

In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing and the liberties, you can at any time access the personal information concerning you and held by your care, to ask for their modification or their suppression. Thus, you can, irrevocably, request that be corrected, completed, clarified, updated or deleted information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, outdated or whose collection or use, communication or conservation is prohibited. Law of 1 August 2000 on the freedom of communication (amending the law of 30 September 1986): the website is published by Pulse. RGPD In accordance with the RGPD, you can access personal data concerning you or request their deletion. You also have the right to oppose, rectify and limit the processing of your data. To exercise these rights or for any question about the processing of your data by Camping Bel, you can contact us electronically by clicking on this link or by post to the following address.

Under the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, we inform you that nominative data collected from Internet users via a form can not, under any circumstances, be transmitted , free of charge or onerous, to third natural or legal persons. Data collected: names, first names, email, telephone, mailing address, desired data of stay in our establishment. Marketing data is kept for up to 3 years, and order billing data up to 6 years. Security and Modification: System security measures have been put in place to protect your data. You can exercise a right to modify or delete your data by contacting us by e-mail.

All the elements of this website (including registered trademarks, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, sounds, photos, animations and codes) are the property of the editors of this site, excluding the elements from your partners or Pulse partners. The protection of your site is therefore subject to national and international legislation relating to intellectual property law. Therefore, any reproduction and / or representation and / or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, on any electronic medium or not, present or future, are prohibited unless express and prior authorization. Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting involving the civil and criminal liability of any offender. Likewise, databases of information are protected under the law applicable to compilations of data. So that any extraction or attempted extraction, be it total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of any offender. If your site has been integrated from a CMS, the software is placed under GPL license as well as all the technical approvals and associated extensions. In spite of all the care taken in the realization and the updates of the contents of the site, Pulse can not be held responsible for the modification of the legal provisions, or any order, occurring after the publication. This site is subject to French law and the competent courts are the French courts.

We inform you that any website or other support is authorized to quote your URL or to set up a hypertext link pointing to the address of your site. Authorization to establish a link is valid for any medium, except for those disseminating information of a political, religious, pornographic, xenophobic nature or that may affect the sensitivity of the greatest number. Under this authorization, our team reserves the right of opposition. In addition, as part of the establishment of a hypertext link on your site, we also grant you the right to reproduce our logo within the limit of the establishment of the said link and the referencing in force. As such, the format and the logo charter must be respected. Any creation of hypertext link pointing to this site requires to request a prior written agreement to CAMPING BEL. The existence of a hypertext link from this site to another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its content, CAMPING BEL can not exercise control over the content of these sites and its responsibility can not be engaged as regards information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties. It is also important to remember the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of information: delays, omissions or inaccuracies are likely to occur. The user is solely responsible for this use. In addition, this site may have been unknowingly linked to other sites by hypertext links, CAMPING BEL does not allow this type of links or practices. CAMPING BEL declines all responsibility, and gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit for the information presented on these other sites, their contents and relations with CAMPING BEL.

Pulse Communication
18 rue du Moulin 85560 Longeville-sur-Mer France
Email : contact (@)


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